Dr. Priyanka Jain
* Did MBBS from S.N. Medical College, Agra.
* Did MD in Paediatrics from LLRM Medical College, Meerut and was awarded Gold Medal for Best Student.
* Did PGPN from Boston, USA.
* Did Training at Stanley Medical Centre, UK.
* Appointed organising Chairperson of the prestigious 5th National Conference of Childhood Disability group (IPA) in 2008.
* She is a National renowned guest speaker in conferences and workshops.
* Since 1999, she is a known expert of routine paediatric problems, as well as special condition like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, ADHD & Dyslexia.
* She has been conferred upon the prestigious honorary fellowship in developmental paediatrics (IAP).
* She has been appointed trainer of trainees to impart training in developmental paediatrics to doctors by IAP.
* She is member of Disability Certification Committee, ministry of social justice and empowerment, Govt of India, New Delhi.
* Presently she is a senior Consultant at Dharamshila Narayanan hospital, Delhi, and JMC Medicity,Tulip Clinic Noida, Jain Medical Center Meerut.