Director's Message
As Director of the esteemed JMC INSTITUTE OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES I welcome the students to join the college for their bright future.All these courses are in high demand in the health industry.The institute rests on the concept of developing medical education based on recent advances.We believe in the process of continuous medical education based on integrated & interdisciplinary teaching of basic sciences& clinical medicine.
JMC aims to provide a friendly environment for the whole academic community of the college ,where students& staff can feel comforable to discuss their problems amongst themselves & with us if needed. The college started small, took baby steps and grew with the principle of quality,job oriented education to our students.
. We aim to provide good, relevant,practical and updated knowledge in the chosen areas of discipline. Equipping them to pursue further studies or work in their area of interest, and also making them Health industry-ready. We also believe in familiarizing our students to other related disciplines, making them suitable for the current multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of knowledge and technological advancement. Realizing the growing importance and need of exposure to research, we provide ample facilities and opportunities to our students to experience the world of research, helping them to make informed career choices. Lastly, but very importantly, we believe in inculcating in our students, a holistic view point and approach, training them to adapt to diverse settings when they complete their studies at the college and step into the World outside.
I convey my best wishes and sincerely hope that the students will make the best use of the opportunities.

Dr Priyanka Jain
MBBS(SNMC), MD( gold medallist), PGPN( Boston, USA).
Senior Consultant Developmental Paediatrician ,
at Dharamshila Narayanan Hospital(Delhi),
Member Disability certification committee, ministry of social justice, govt of India.